29 April, 2008

There's no other way

we thought we were like water and oil
and we realized that we are nothing more than soil
we thought we could play cool
without involving our souls
without affecting thirds or fourths…

but why?
I can be fine when you are not around
but seeing you it's like the end of my world
I stop thinking
I start feeling and that ain't ok
not with you... not with us
each time you make me feel like I'm lost
and my brain once again plays the role of my enemy

it was simple to avoid falling each time
it was easy to avoid feeling the desire burning me inside
but it is simple when you are away
it is easy when you are not in my way

but why?
why you had to make one more time your appearance
to be cute without even wanting
to take my dreams and melt them in desires
I hate how I feel afterwards
I hate to lose control and feel forced to give my keys away... to surrender

We are so alike…
that is not possible to be in the same place at the same time
without anticipating what is going to happen
and we can't keep heading that way…
unless we want to create disaster

so, I hate you and there's no other way to coexist

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